Scientists Invent Particles That Will Let You Live Without Breathing | Biomedicina Padrão

Scientists Invent Particles That Will Let You Live Without Breathing

Por Brunno Câmara - quinta-feira, junho 28, 2012

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In a monumental breakthrough with far ranging implications, cardiologists at the Children’s Hospital Boston in Massachusetts have kept suffocating rabbits alive for 15 minutes with injections of oxygen-filled microparticles. The groundbreaking procedure could conceivably prevent millions of deaths each year caused by such things as heart attacks and choking.

Once injected, the oxygen diffuses into the red blood cells within seconds. As a result, when the microparticles arrive at the lungs, the majority of the oxygen has been transferred to the cells.

The researchers also note that the technique could be used to augment oxygen delivery to at-risk organs, while opening the door to entirely new diagnostic techniques.

Outside of medical use, the procedure could also impact on normal human functioning. Swimmers and divers could conceivably take the injections and stay underwater for unprecedented lengths of time.



J. N. Kheir, L. A. Scharp, M. A. Borden, E. J. Swanson, A. Loxley, J. H. Reese, K. J. Black, L. A. Velazquez, L. M. Thomson, B. K. Walsh, K. E. Mullen, D. A. Graham, M. W. Lawlor, C. Brugnara, D. C. Bell, F. X. McGowan. Oxygen Gas–Filled Microparticles Provide Intravenous Oxygen Delivery. Sci. Transl. Med. 4, 140ra88 (2012).

Brunno Câmara Autor

Brunno Câmara - Biomédico, CRBM-GO 5596, habilitado em patologia clínica e hematologia. Docente do Ensino Superior. Especialista em Hematologia e Hemoterapia pelo programa de Residência Multiprofissional do Hospital das Clínicas - UFG (HC-UFG). Mestre em Biologia da Relação Parasito-Hospedeiro (imunologia, parasitologia e microbiologia / experiência com biologia molecular e virologia). Criador e administrador do blog Biomedicina Padrão. Criador e integrante do podcast Biomedcast.
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